The Relation of Muscle Workouts and Libido


Any guy will agree that sex is a life necessity. Studies recently showed that sexual satisfaction ranked as the number one factor for a happy man. A healthy libido is indicated by a high desire for sex. A raised libido level is characteristic of higher testosterone surging through the body. Gym work benefits from high testosterone levels. High desire for sex, therefore, can equate to high capacity for building lean muscle mass. Some men experience an actual drop in desire when they cut down on their sexual activities and using this standpoint, reducing "bedroom exercise" could hinder muscle growth potential. Tests also confirmed that cortisol surges through the body when a person is highly stressed. Cortisol negates muscle gain progress. Many find sex greatly relieves stress, so this is another plus to the complementary nature of sex to muscle development. You can order Trylo online if you are interested. 

However, research has shown that the levels of prolactin in the body decreases immediately after sex has taken place. Elevated prolactin levels can result to decrease in libido levels, mood changes and in some cases, depression, impotence, headaches, infertility. Above all, it reduces testosterone levels. Thus, while a high desire for sex could indicate healthy testosterone levels, the testosterone level immediately drops after the deed is done. This strongly suggests a man should practice sexual abstinence immediately prior to a workout or athletic activity. Men tend to be sleepy due to the increase in the hormone oxytocin immediately after sex. The feeling of bonding in humans is created by oxytocin. As a result, the central drive is usually decreased, making a man perform less effectively in the gym.

Most body builders, however, target to achieve the ripped look which is a product of lowered body fats. Low body fat levels lowers libido which could make sex life suffer. Builders on competition diets, therefore, will expect their sex drive to suffer at this time, but once they get off the diet and start eating normally, libido returns back to the normal range. If you  are not convinced, check out trylo fire review online for more information. 

One more bit of information about sex and muscles is that the body loses significant amounts of zinc (which happens to be a major micronutrient needed for muscle tissue build-up and maintenance) after each orgasm. A body builder's diet, therefore, must include zinc supplements to replace what was lost.

"Lift heavy and eat hard" for larger and more powerful muscle mass. Unless "bedroom bouts" are so frequent that going to gym for workouts becomes difficult, sex does not adversely impact on results. Well, spreading out the two activities, providing at least a five hour gap, will allow the body's hormonal status to return closer to baseline. This should reduce the small negative influences that may be present.

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